The Ayurvedic way to balance your menses.

The female menstrual cycle is a complex interplay between the brain and reproductive organs. The pituitary gland and ovaries communicate through a delicate feedback loop, resulting in fluctuating hormone levels throughout the month. Estrogen rises early in the cycle and then declines after ovulation, while progesterone increases post-ovulation.

To maintain a balanced cycle, optimal communication between these organs is crucial. Stress, both mental and emotional, as well as irregular routines, poor diet, and inappropriate menstrual hygiene practices can disrupt this delicate balance, leading to menstrual irregularities.

In today's fast-paced society, the cultural expectation for women to constantly push themselves can further exacerbate these imbalances. Prioritizing rest, relaxation, and a nurturing self-care routine is essential for supporting hormonal health and overall well-being.

Luckily, Ayurveda has provided ancient wisdom for modern woman. Below I have listed a few dietary and lifestyle recommendations for a healthy menstrual cycle. But as always, take what works for you and leave what doesn’t. Every body is built differently and is unique to Nature. For further knowledge and insight on how to balance your female physiology and cycle, book a free consultation with me!

General Dietary Guidelines During Menses:

  • Eat foods that promote detoxification: a wholesome, warm, cooked, nourishing light diet.

  • For several days before and during your period: avoid cheese, red meat, cold foods and drinks, salads, and raw vegetables.

  • Consume lunch as main meal of day and sit down while consuming meals so the food moves down well.

  • Drink only warm or room-temp liquids.

  • Nourish with Ojas-Boosting Foods: incorporating ghee, honey, dates, and warm (non-homogenized, boiled) milk with spices like turmeric, cardamom, and saffron into your diet.

  • Examples of beneficial foods: red and blue fruits, kitchari, cooked vegetables (asparagus, winter squashes, sweet potatoes, dark greens, etc.), bone broth, mung beans, ajwain seeds.

General Lifestyle Guidelines During Menses:

  • Prioritize Rest: rest as much as possible during first 2-3 days of menses and get more rest 1-2 days before menses begins.

  • Avoid mental and emotional stress, excessive talking or mental work. I know this may be challenging, but keep in mind that taking care of yourself and slowing down during your menses will allow you to show up more energized, present, and ready to go after menstruation.

  • Gentle exercise only, avoid overexertion, Light walks and yoga (avoid inverting asanas) is best.

  • Avoid sexual intercourse during menstrual flow.

  • Try and bleed freely, avoiding tampons and cups as much as you can. We want our blood to cleanse the entire uterine lining and to not be restricted in anyway.

  • Menstrual Hygiene: use organic feminine protection products free of dyes, dioxins, etc.

  • Positive thoughts & environment: engage with uplifting activities and media: what are you absorbing through the senses? Favor light, cheerful, positive influences to prevent mental ama (toxins).

  • Meditate: tap into the Divine Feminine and Unified Field through Transcendental or Vedic Meditation. If you are not trained in this practice, listening to a meditation recording, yoga nidra, or calming podcast can help calm the mind and allow you to turn inward.


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